Project Peaceful Purge

Posted On Oct 06, 2023 |

There was a time when seeing a list like this would fill me with guilt, shame, condemnation, and frustration.

I remember when I first got married & was working part time. We lived in a tiny apartment. I had plenty of time to clean, keep house, cook, do all the things - but I didn't.

Our home was overrun with clutter, dishes piled, & we got take out most nights. I was overwhelmed & frustrated. I felt like there must be something wrong with me; there were only two of us in a tiny apartment (we didn't even have kids yet!), & I knew HOW to cook healthy meals & keep a home clean, why is it so hard to just do it? It shouldn't be such a problem.

But it was, & nothing I tried seemed to help until one day I came across a routine challenge. Now, the internet is full of programs/challenges that promise to help you declutter your home & get your life together, & while you're in them you see results. But once the program ends, you usually end up right back where you started, only feeling worse & more defeated because once again you failed to maintain your progress.

But this challenge was different because on top of giving a practical action for each day, the woman running it also included a short teaching moment each day where she explained WHY keeping my home clean & organized was so hard in the first place so that when the challenge was over, I was more able to keep my momentum & growth.

That challenge was a turning point for me because being equipped with BOTH practical action steps AND a better understanding of how my brain works is a game changing combination that has completely transformed my life. Over the past 6 years, I've learned even more about how the brain works & have developed systems & strategies to maintain a certain level of order & organization in my life.

This has been such a game changer that I want to share it with you for FREE. Starting on October 16, I'll be putting some of my favorite mindset hacks together with some of my best practical action steps for bringing more order to your life & home for 30 days in Project Peaceful Purge.

You can sign up for the challenge here

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